
Online social networking sites (SNSs) has become one of the most popular activities for people accessing the Internet. In this regard, many Businesses create their online brand communities in order to build further relationship with their customers. The objective of this study is to examine the potential factors of customers' loyalty intentions in online brand communities. Current study proposed a research framework in which information quality, need for social capital, emotion, and perceived critical mass were expected to influence customer satisfaction and relationship commitment, which will in turn result in loyalty intention. Data was collected from customers in two Facebook fan pages (Xiaomi and MyBeautyDiary.taiwan) that represent wristband (search product) and facial mask (experience product).Results indicated that information completeness and need for bridging social capital were significant predictors of satisfaction and relationship commitment for both brand communities, while pleasure and perceived critical mass were influential factors of customer satisfaction across two brands. Further, believability and need for maintaining social capital were significant indicators only for facial mask community consumers, while arousal was important only for wristband fans. Findings from this study provided directions for online brand communities to develop customer loyalty strategies.

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