
The deceleration of molecules from cold molecular beams using electric and magnetic fields has become an important means for producing stationary, cold dipolar or paramagnetic molecular gases that can be trapped and potentially cooled to ultra-cold temperatures in the μK range. We report on a general scheme for the creation of cold molecules of essentially any type by deceleration of a cold molecular beam using intense optical fields. Deceleration of benzene molecules to zero velocity is achieved by utilizing a single half oscillation of the center-of-mass motion of the molecules within a moving optical lattice. The lattice traveling at half the speed of the molecular beam is created by the interference of two near-counter-propagating fields at different frequencies. We show that by rapidly switching on the optical lattice for approximately the time required for a half oscillation, a bunch of approximately 105 benzene molecules can be rapidly decelerated and brought to rest in the laboratory frame.

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