
Freebase is a large collaborative knowledge base and database of general, structured information for public use. Its structured data had been harvested from many sources, including individual, user-submitted wiki contributions. Its aim is to create a global resource so that people (and machines) can access common information more effectively which is mostly available in English. In this research work, we have tried to build the technique of creating the Freebase for Bengali language. Today the number of Bengali articles on the internet is growing day by day. So it has become a necessary to have a structured data store in Bengali. It consists of different types of concepts (topics) and relationships between those topics. These include different types of areas like popular culture (e.g. films, music, books, sports, television), location information (restaurants, geolocations, businesses), scholarly information (linguistics, biology, astronomy), birth place of (poets, politicians, actor, actress) and general knowledge (Wikipedia). It will be much more helpful for relation extraction or any kind of Natural Language Processing (NLP) works on Bengali language. In this work, we identified the technique of creating the Bengali Freebase and made a collection of Bengali data. We applied SPARQL query language to extract information from natural language (Bengali) documents such as Wikidata which is typically in RDF (Resource Description Format) triple format.

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