
Until very recently, our society has been product-centric. The Industrial Revolution brought forth the Industrial Society and we started to work for others. And products were produced in mass. Ironically enough, this brought Diversification and Personalization. Until then, the users of the products were just consumers. But now we recognize how Self is important and we should get away from being a consuer and move toward being a customer. We should customize the processes to satifify our expectations and our feelings of Joy. In the product-centric society, the word Benefit was interpreted as Profit. It is used because production was seen from an advantage to the producer. But we, users, come to realize that production should meet our expectations not only form the standpoint of performance, but from the point of how much Joy it will provide. Thus, Process becomes very important for bringing joy to our world and Benefit comes to be interpreted as the idea of making our life enjoyable.

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