
The hydrogenic farming method is a plant cultivation method that combines hydroponic and organic (no chemicals) farming systems. In this hydrogenic method, the natural fertilizer comes from fish waste that flows together with the flow of pond water through pipe installations. Vegetables produced from hydroponic technology are considered healthier and more environmentally friendly because they utilize a variety of organic fertilizers. Pondok Pesantren Riyadhussholihiin is an Islamic educational institution located in Rocek village, Cimanuk sub-district, Pandeglang district, Banten which is engaged in formal and non-formal Islamic education. At the boarding school, there are the wives of the ustadz who help meet the daily consumption needs of the boarding school residents so this training activity can be useful in improving the welfare of the ustadz's wives through entrepreneurial activities and improving consumption patterns through hydroponic vegetables, especially pakcoy. The results of the activities that have been carried out that the target audience is very enthusiastic and gives a positive response to the community service activities that have been carried out. This can be seen from the results of the questionnaire that has been given which states that 51.26% strongly agree on the activities of making and training in the cultivation of hydroponics pakcoy vegetable plants.

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