
Creating an environment that supports and protects breastfeeding Many mothers want to breastfeed, but the UK has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world, which are still declining. As many mothers choose to stop breastfeeding in the early weeks, they aren't often ready to do so, and do not receive the support that they really need. Professor Amy Brown stresses the benefits of breastfeeding to tackle this problem for many mothers. In research and collaboration with governments, public health bodies, and infant feeding charities, promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding is at the forefront of baby campaigns. Key to these campaigns are getting people to understand breastfeeding and normal baby behaviour, highlighting the importance of breastfeeding for mental health, and calling for greater investment into supporting all types of infant feeding. Human milk is lifesaving for premature babies. When they cannot receive their own mother's breastmilk, specially heat-treated donor milk from other mothers who have been carefully screened can protect their health and development. Recent WHO recommendations are that donor milk should be available for all preterm babies where there is a shortfall of maternal milk.

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