
We address the location of regions-of-interest in previously scanned sputum smear slides requiring re-examination in automated microscopy for tuberculosis (TB) detection. We focus on the core component of microscope auto-positioning, which is to find a point of reference, position and orientation, on the slide so that it can be used to automatically bring desired fields to the field-of-view of the microscope. We use virtual slide maps together with geometric hashing to localise a query image, which then acts as the point of reference. The true positive rate achieved by the algorithm was above 88% even for noisy query images captured at slide orientations up to 26°. The image registration error, computed as the average mean square error, was less than 14pixel2 (corresponding to 1.02μm2). The algorithm is inherently robust to changes in slide orientation and placement and showed high tolerance to illumination changes and robustness to noise.

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