
Variations in species distribution and abundance, general topography, as well as regional dialects among species ensure that no two places or environments will sound the same. Regionally focused environmental sound archives can play an important role in documenting these variations. This paper will describe the recent creation of the Western Soundscape Archive (Westernsoundscape.org), an ongoing project led by the J. Willard Marriott Library at the University of Utah that seeks to build a representative and free online resource of animal and environmental sounds of 11 contiguous western United States. The archives primary includes the region’s terrestrial vertebrates, as well as targeted ambient recordings. By gathering existing sound recordings, creating new recordings where appropriate, and employing innovative mapping technology, the archive hopes to document and preserve the soundscape of the West and to create a replicable model for other libraries in other regions. [Work supported by an IMLS National Leadership Grant.]

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