
When Si atoms are intercalated under the graphene-like zero layer (ZL) generated on the SiC(0001) substrate, the resulting quasi-free-standing monolayer graphene (QFMLG) has lots of crater-like defects due to a strong Si-C reaction. Here, a method for creating crater-free QFMLG above a two-dimensional Si film is investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy and photoemission spectroscopy. The method involves forming a SiSn interfacial film as a precursor via cointercalation performed by sequential Sn and Si deposition on the ZL at room temperature and annealing at 650–700 °C. The Sn atoms prevent reactive Si atoms from directly contacting the ZL, which would otherwise cause SiC defects. The sample is then annealed at 750 °C to selectively remove the Sn atoms from the SiSn interfacial film, leaving a well-ordered Si film. The SiSn film composed of a bottom Si layer and top Sn atoms has a short-range-ordered “2 × 2” or a long-range-ordered 2×7 superstructure depending on the annealing temperature and the Sn coverage. Both the superstructures are semiconducting and induce less n-doped QFMLG than the pure Si film.

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