
Among the issues for which aesthetics today shows great interest belong those which will be discussed in this paper that are concerning: the position of art in culture, the origin and consequences of the process of aestheticization of everyday life, the role of the artist in a society, the nature of the creative process, relationship between inspiration and techniques of art, and the aesthetic value of the artifacts. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the historical development of the concepts of craft and skill, as the keys for understanding of creativity. Greeks understood the art as routine following of production rules, within the medieval theology art was interpreted with regard to a possible role in the celebration of divine creation, and in modern times it is seen as a way of expressing the creative power of man. When the man?s potentials become the pivot point of his trying to understand the world, the concept art has been rapidly differentiated into two key domains: art and technology. In the meanwhile, the separation of the autonomous domains and their mutual opposition have become the stereotypes of public opinion, and of numerous theoretical examinations, that have grounds only if it wasn?t forget their common origin and their internal kinship, or if the notion of its autonomy was relativized in the context of the whole life of a society.

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