
A small crack on body surface led to a tragic accident in 2003, which is the Columbia accident. During the shuttle's re-entry, high temperature gas penetrated crack on leading-edge of the left wing and melted the aluminum structure, finally the Columbia blew up. Since early times, there are many fundamental studies about simple cavity-flow formed on body surface in hypersonic speeds. However, an investigation of Shock/Boundary-Layer Interaction (SBLI) on crack has not been researched. For multistage space transportation vehicle such as TSTO, SBLI is an inevitable problem, and then SBLI on crack becomes a critical issue for TSTO development. In this study, the effects of crack, where SBLI occurs, were investigated for TSTO hypersonic speed (M∞ = 8.1). A square crack locates at SBLI point on the TSTO booster. Results show that a crack and its depth strongly effect on peak heat flux and aerodynamic interaction flow-field. In the cases of shallow crack (d/C ≤ 0.10), there exist two high heat flux regions on crack floor, which locates at a flow reattachment region and a back end wall of crack. In this case, a peak heat flux at flow reattachment region becomes about 2 times as large as the stagnation point heat flux, which value becomes larger compared with a peak heat flux in the case of No-Crack TSTO. While in the case of deep crack (d/C = 0.20), overall heat flux on crack floor decreases to below the stagnation point heat flux. These results provide useful data for a development of TSTO thermal protection system (TPS) such as thermal protection tile.

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