
A premature fatigue failure of a large intermediate propeller shaft in a shuttle tanker is discussed and analyzed. The short fatigue life consists mainly of a crack growth phase. Life predictions are carried out by crack growth modelling based on engineering fracture mechanics. The purpose of the present investigation is to identify the most likely loading modes based on the evolution of the crack propagation. A Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics Model (LEFM) is applied with the stress intensity factor range entering the Paris law as a key parameter. Existing formulas for the geometry functions are supplemented by more detailed stress intensity factor calculations pertaining to small semi-elliptical surface cracks subjected to stress mode I. Enhanced geometry functions are proposed as a function of the relative crack depth and the crack shape aspect ratio. The ability of the fracture mechanics model to reconstruct the observed crack path and crack shape development is emphasized. Various loading modes and multi-axial stress states are applied to pursue the observed crack behavior. The observed semi-elliptical crack shapes and the shift in crack planes are included in the analysis.

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