
Swell–shrink soils generate wide and deep cracks, generally considered undesirable for crop husbandry. However, there is a lack of information about the management options available to reduce formation of wide and deep cracks in such soil. Therefore, the present study was conducted on an Entic Chromusterts. The results revealed that width (mm) and depth (mm) were 7 and 23, respectively, for initial soil wetness by weight 43% compared to their negligible values for initial wetness 14%, at bulk density 1.15 g cm−3, and these two parameters were 7 and 27 mm, respectively, compared to 6 and 19 mm at bulk density 1.02 g cm−3. Thus excessive wetness and higher compaction generated wide and deep cracks and should be avoided. Incorporation @10 t ha−1 of organic matter and gypsum in the soil reduced width and depth of the cracks and may be practiced; temperature beyond 35 °C generated narrow and shallow cracks. These management options should, however, be adapted for field application as per local needs and available resources.

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