
It has been recognized by Gakushin that non-metallic inclusions in high carbon steel or chromium steel was determined by the hot-H2SO4 method. But should quenching be not carried out on these stee1, there produced the carbide that will not be decomposed by making use of KMnO4 oxidizing agent, and no reproducible result would be obtained.The authors have made an investigation on the applicable limit of quenching and samples making on the alloying elements in this kind of stee1.The results obtained were as follows.(1) It will generally be desirable to make water quenchihg for the cutting specimens, though we trially designed the vacuum quenching apparatus for the drilling specimen.(2) It is not necessary to quench when carbon and chromium contents in Cr-steels are less than 0.7% and 1% respegtively.Quenching is generally required on 13% Cr-steel and 18-8 stainless steel, however, in case Ti is contained in them, TiC wil1 be produced which is not decomposed by KMnO4 treatment.On the other hand the authors have made an experiment on solubility of Cr2O3 by Hot-H2SO4 method, and have found that Cr2O3 content in chromium steel is determined by this method.In connection with the above, as a result of quantitative analysis of Cr2O3 contained in bearing steel or case-hardened stee1, we reached the conclusion that its content is far 1ess than silicate or aluminate inclusons.

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