
The neutrino mass squared difference determine from the experimental solar neutrino data and ant-neutrino mass squared difference determine from the KamLAND reactor experiment. The best fit central value of the two case differ from each other by about $\left |{\Delta }_{21}-\bar {\Delta }_{21}\right |=$ 10− 5eV2and angle $\left |\theta _{12}-\bar {\theta }_{12}\right |=2^{0}$ in the mixing angle. CPT invariantindicates that the oscillation parameters for neutrino and anti-neutrino are to be identical. The non-zero difference between neutrino and ant-neutrino oscillation parameter and it provides a signal for CPT violation. Using this approach, we discuss the CPT violation in four flavor neutrino framework from Planck scale effects. We find that the non zero values of differencebetween mass squared $\left |{\Delta }_{ij}^{\prime }-\bar {\Delta }^{\prime }_{ij}\right |$ and mixing angles $\left |\theta _{ij}^{\prime }-\bar {\theta }^{\prime }_{ij}\right |$ of neutrinos and ant-neutrinos.

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