
Abstract. The article considers gastronomic tourism and provides its definition. The peculiarities of gastrotourism in Europe are clarified, the experience of creating gastrotourism routes is analyzed, in particular the experience of Greece, Italy, Spain and Croatia in the creation of Olive Oil Roads is determined. Popular routes to Croatian and wine festivals in Slovenia are also explored. The experience of creating a gastronomic route "The Way of Wine and Taste of Ukrainian Bessarabia" is analyzed. Its prospects through the involvement of the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions are determined. Purpose. To clarify the definition of "gastronomic tourism", to study the European experience of creating gastronomic routes for further implementation in the South of Ukraine. Result. The study of world trends in gastronomic tourism allows to use them for the practice of developing the domestic tourist market, which will help grow the tourist image of the country, promote the tourist brand of the territory and increase tourist flows. Conclusions. Gastronomic tourism is a specialized type of tourism aimed at obtaining a complete picture of the country's perception by involving in the preparation of national dishes and drinks and their tasting. Tourist routes of small farms are very popular in Europe and are divided into: wine roads, taste roads, wine and taste roads - fish, cheese, honey olive, fruit and berry, etc. Gastronomic tourism will increase the tourist flow, as wine or craft farms can receive tourists all year round. According to the practice of Odessa region, despite the quarantine, the volumes of production in small farms, which became participants in the "Wine and Taste Road of Ukrainian Bessarabia", increased by 30%. The creation of a gastronomic route "The Road of Wine and Taste of the South of Ukraine", which unites Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions, is promising for the development of the Southern region. Creating a gastro route will promote the development of crafts, infrastructure, create jobs.

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