
There is accumulative evidence indicating that targeting antigen presenting cells (APCs) with different types of adjuvants could result in the induction of antitumor immune responses. It has been hypothesized that APCs function may be altered in the elderly contributing to a decline in the immune function. We evaluated whether targeting APCs following injection with Poly I:C, LPS, flagellin, imiquimod and CpG-ODN would induce an antitumor response in the old. The immune and antitumor responses induce Poly I:C, LPS, flagellin, imiquimod and CpG-ODN were compared in young (2 month old) and old (18 months) mice. Our results indicated that only intratumoral (i.t.) injections of CpG-ODN completely rejected the tumor in both young and old mice. Injections of Poly I:C also induced the rejection of tumors in the young but not in the old. Furthermore, i.t. injections of CpG-ODN promoted the development of protective memory responses in the young and the old. Analysis of the immune responses in the old indicated that CpG-ODN but not Poly-I:C induces: a pro-inflammatory Th1 type response; accumulation and activation of CD4+, CD8+ T and, NK cell responses; activation of APCs; and reduction in the number of Tregs. The activation of these immune-parameters positively correlates with the induction of an antitumor response. These studies indicate that there are differences in the level of stimulation with TLR-ligands between young and old APCs and that the aged immune responses can be rescued and exploited for the induction of tumor immunity by targeting APCs with specific TLR-ligands. These results have important clinical implications for developing immunization strategies containing TLR-ligands that will be effective in both the young and old.

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