
We study CP violation in the lepton sector of the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model with three generations of massive singlet neutrinos with Yukawa couplings Y ν to lepton doublets, in a minimal seesaw model for light neutrino masses and mixing. This model contains six physical CP-violating parameters, namely the phase δ observable in oscillations between light neutrino species, two Majorana phases φ 1,2 that affect ββ 0 ν decays, and three independent phases appearing in Y νY ν † , that control the rate of leptogenesis. Renormalization of the soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters induces observable CP violation at low energies, including T-odd asymmetries in polarized μ→ eee and τ→ℓℓℓ decays, as well as lepton electric dipole moments. In the leading-logarithmic approximation in which the massive singlet neutrinos are treated as degenerate, these low-energy observables are sensitive via Y ν †Y ν to just one combination of the leptogenesis and light-neutrino phases. We present numerical results for the T-odd asymmetry in polarized μ→ eee decay, which may be accessible to experiment, but the lepton electric dipole moments are very small in this approximation. To the extent that the massive singlet neutrinos are not degenerate, low-energy observables become sensitive also to two other combinations of leptogenesis and light-neutrino phases, in this minimal supersymmetric seesaw model.

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