
We study the connection between quark and lepton mass matrices in a supersymmetric SO(10) GUT model in six dimensions, compactified on an orbifold. The physical quarks and leptons are mixtures of brane and bulk states. This leads to a characteristic pattern of mass matrices and high-energy CP violating phases. The hierarchy of up and down quark masses determines the CKM matrix and most charged lepton and neutrino masses and mixings. The small hierarchy of neutrino masses is a consequence of the mismatch of the up and down quark mass hierarchies. The effective CP violating phases in the quark sector, neutrino oscillations and leptogenesis are unrelated. In the neutrino sector we can accomodate naturally sin θ23 ~ 1, sin θ130.1 and m1m2 ~ (Δm2sol)1/2 < m3 ~ (Δm2atm)1/2.

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