
In multivariate spatial interpolation, the accuracy of a variable of interest can be improved using ancillary variables. Although geostatistical methods are widely used for multivariate spatial interpolation, these methods usually require second-order stationary assumption of spatial processes, which is difficult to satisfy in practice. We developed a new multivariate spatial interpolation method based on Yang-Chizhong filtering (CoYangCZ) to overcome this limitation. CoYangCZ does not solve the multivariate spatial interpolation problem from a purely statistical point of view but integrates geometry and statistics-based strategies. First, we used a weighted moving average method based on binomial coefficients (i.e. Yang-Chizhong filtering) to fit the spatial autocorrelation structure of each spatial variable from a geometric perspective. We then quantified the spatial autocorrelation of each spatial variable and the correlations between different spatial variables by analyzing the variances of different spatial variables. Finally, we obtain the best linear unbiased estimators at the unsampled locations. Experiments on air pollution and meteorological datasets show that CoYangCZ has a higher interpolation accuracy than cokriging, regression kriging, gradient plus-inverse distance squared, sequential Gaussian co-simulation, and the kriging convolutional network. CoYangCZ can adapt to second-order non-stationary spatial processes; therefore, it has a wider scope of application than purely statistical methods.

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