
Understanding and addressing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine hesitancy is crucial to informing vaccination outreach strategies and achieving high vaccination coverage. Marin County, California, United States, has a history of vaccine hesitancy regarding childhood vaccinations required for school entry. We aimed to describe and address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Marin County to inform outreach and messaging. Our objectives were to identify subgroups with high COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy early in distribution, better understand local concerns and feedback about the COVID-19 vaccine distribution process, and inform tailored vaccine messaging to increase vaccination confidence and coverage. The survey,which was administered from January 3 to May 10, 2021, queried demographics, vaccine acceptance, reasons for hesitancy, and reasons for acceptance. Open-ended questions were used for respondents to report additional reasons for hesitancy and for general feedback about the vaccine distribution process. We conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses stratified by COVID-19 vaccine acceptance to identify subgroups with high hesitancy. Results were shared weekly in real-time with leadership and key community partners working on vaccine outreach. Among the 5,618 survey responses, there were differences in vaccine hesitancy by sociodemographic characteristics with the highest hesitancy reported among subgroups identifying as Black/African American and young adult, and within the lowest family income grouping. The most common reason for vaccine hesitancy was "uncertain about the side effects of the vaccine" (67.3% endorsement) and responses varied by race and ethnicity. Qualitative data revealed equity-related, vaccine distribution, and vaccine access themes that were not present in structured responses. Vaccine hesitancy survey results were paired with vaccination coverage and COVID-19 case data to inform tailored outreach strategies and priorities week-to-week. Marin County had some of the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates in the United States during the pandemic and met equity goals aimed at ensuring vulnerable populations received vaccinations. Presenting real-time survey findings with leadership and key community partners informed a timely and tailored COVID-19 vaccine outreach and delivery strategy.

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