
Introduction: Ever since the end of 2019, the SARS-Cov2 virus started to emerge in Wuhan/ China and theories suggested a possible zoonotic transmission to human beings. Older people were considered to be the most afflicted by Covid-19 pandemic worldwide. Serious measures had been taken to mitigate the contagiousness of this virus especially in this age group, most of whom, presented with atypical symptoms. Methods: In this study we retrospectively studied the symptomatology of the disease in 79 subjects within the same care-home within a three-month period, (March-June 2020). Results: Within the total number of participants we were able to confirm the diagnosis of Covid-19 in 40 patients. Symptoms were mainly cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. Surprisingly, the rise in temperature was only a presenting symptom in few patients. However, many patients presented with tiredness, myalgia and worsening confusion as well as cough, which were the main presenting symptoms in the cohort. Conclusion and recommendations: Research is still trying to figure out the variation of symptoms between age groups especially the low temperature rates in the geriatric age groups. This could be explained by the dormancy of interleukins in older patients due to the physiological process of ageing. Mortality rates were predictably high secondary to the plethora of comorbidities in older patients. It is empirical for health care professionals to consider the non- classical presenting symptoms of Covid-19 in elderlies. More public health awareness is needed to help patients, relatives and carers to recognize the disease early, despite the lack of typical symptoms.

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