
AbstractCOVID-19 manifests as a viral respiratory disease that first was imported from Wuhan, Peoples Republic of China and then it spreads from human to human when they come in to contact everywhere in every continent. The response has been national and state governance with cooperation from the local government based on disaster management laws. The public health system became the frontline Corona Warriors and was respected by all for their services, but the system capacity was evaluated for its capability to have an unusually substantial number of patients. Many disciplines jointly must contribute a knowledge-based solution based on time-series data on infected, recovered and died as well as more reliable serum tests. When a nation declares one peak has reached the local data shows it has not and so local governance shall be the effective measure based on local data for COVID-19 governance. This book concentrates on local governance for COVID-19. This book believes that COVID-19 cannot be eliminated like smallpox or polio. It can appear and disappear seasonally like common cough and cold, with never-ending mutation of the virus, but it can cause deaths even after we had full vaccinations. The public health systems came out with preventive culture such as wearing masks, practising social distancing, washing hands with disinfectants etc. to combat this virus. The police were deployed to implement preventive measures enumerated above. In this process, both police and public health workers got infected and can even threaten the entire population with more deaths and collapse of the public health system. This book advocates concentrating on urban centres for COVID-19 because of high population density and public realms where the danger of COVID-19 spread from human contact is maximum. The use of humans for data collection and management involving surveys and analysis, policing and intervention of public health persons are all risky prepositions for the individuals involved. This book concentrates on the public realm for work and living and finds an alternate solution that can automate COVID-19 prevention methods with less human involvement. This book gives more importance to local governance based on local data and the use of tools available for local governance such as Master Plans, Zonal Plans, Public realm management using ICT-IoT systems, E-Democracy and E-government. These require modifications to the existing body of knowledge based on COVID-19 prevention capabilities. Hence zonal plans may get modified and non-human control of the public realm may be institutionalized. This chapter brings together the state of knowledge on all these discussed and the rest of the chapters use many of them to demonstrate locally based solutions based on locally generated data.KeywordsCorona virus spread locally in aggregate and spatialGoverning responsesRelated urban research and design issuesThe urban restartCarrying capacity of public realmThe smart Asparsa new urbanism principles for smart communityRecommended spatial approachTools for COVID-19 preventing urban restart projectResearch objectives of COVID-19 projectStrategies and design of future of smart living and smart work post COVID-19Smart metropolitan regional developmentSmart economy and smart work in Kozhikode Metropolitan area post COVID-19

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