
This study aims to determine the journalist coverage strategy of Palu City during the Covid-19 by using journalist and journalistic theory, news theory, and the concept of coverage guidelines issued by press organizations. This research method is descriptive and qualitative with an action research approach. The data collection techniques were observation and interviews with four journalists from Palu City. The informants selected through the purposive sampling technique are informants who had been exposed to Coronavirus, have coverage of Covid-19, and have a minimum service period of five years. The study results show that the coverage strategy is divided into three stages. In the first stage, there are two strategies: online research and editorial meetings. In the second stage, the strategies are the technology utilization in communication applications form, the close relationship between journalists and fellow journalists and resources, and utilizing citizen journalism. In the last stage, the strategy generally applies technology because there are no significant obstacles. Of these three stages, there are five coverage strategies, and the most dominant strategy applied during the Covid-19 pandemic is the use of WhatsApp and Zoom Meeting. Furthermore, straight news dominates the Covid-19 news writing model because the rules limit the interview duration.

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