
Vaccines are important to improve immunity against pathogens and diseases. The current COVID-19 disease is rapidly evolving and spreading among people; therefore, it is important to utilize a proper vaccination strategy against it. Currently, many approved vaccines are available and accessible; however, there is a reported hesitancy against taking them among the public and even the health care workers. Mainly, this is attributed to the fear of the possible side effects and complications. Moreover, inaccurate knowledge disseminated through the media/social media especially by those who lack proper expertise adds confusion and more fear that affects the vaccination decision. For such reasons, it is essential to find strategies to increase the acceptability of vaccines and to enhance confidence in the vaccination process. This should be accompanied by sufficient efforts and proper clinical studies to confirm the value and the safety of the vaccines. Those strategies are important to avoid the further spread of the COVID-19 disease and to abort the pandemic worldwide, especially when considering the likely approach towards a COVID-19 booster vaccination program, in which booster vaccines are re-taken along intervals to adequately contain the rapidly evolving nature of the virus. This review article highlights the factors influencing the acceptability of the COVID-19 vaccination and enrollment in clinical trials among the public and some specific populations. Furthermore, it summarizes the suggested strategies and recommendations that can improve the attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination programs.

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