
Until recently, no special measures were foreseen for the control of foreign direct investment. Free movement of capital is one of the pillars of economic systems and legal regulations, but it also allows some exemptions for the reason of public order and national security. However, the COVID 19 epidemic has shown that it can be very important that state is in position to execute efficient control on foreign direct investments to prevent some vital interests. The Republic of Slovenia also adopted some measures to control foreign direct investment in the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Mitigate and Remedy the Consequences of the COVID-19 Epidemic. The Act stipulates the obligation to notify foreign direct investment in critical economic activities and critical infrastructure. The notification must be made to the Ministry of Economy. The Ministry of the Economy is also authorized to review and decide about the foreign direct investments. If foreign direct investment threatens national security or public order, the Ministry is empowered to issue the decision and prohibit the investment. The Ministry shall also establish a contact point for the exchange of information with other Member States and the European Commission in accordance with Regulation 2019/452.

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