
Virus-associated cytokine storm syndrome (CSS) has been recognized for a long time and the classic viruses associated are the herpes viruses EBV, CMV, and HHV-8 as described in chapters IVa,b. In addition, pandemic viruses such as influenza, SARS, and MERS can result in severe CSS that might ultimately lead to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and death [1-3]. A new pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 that started in 2019 has defined another chapter in the virus-associated CSS. The clinical spectrum of SARS-CoV-2 infection has many faces. In most people, it will be asymptomatic, but it can also result in severe COVID-19 pneumonia, ARDS, and multiorgan failure depending on age, comorbidities, and immune status [4]. In addition, this pandemic has known many different stages and developed in a unique way in the first 2years. It started in a setting where there was no immunity to the virus and after a year, highly effective vaccines were introduced and herd immunity built up over time. However, vaccine effectiveness was waning over time depending on multiple factors, and novel variant strains of the virus circulated across different areas in the world. Antiviral therapy was developed and introduced, and treatment changed from giving no immunomodulatory treatment, followed by the introduction of corticosteroids [5], and later the addition of more targeted strategies such as JAK inhibitors [6] and blocking IL-6 signaling [7]. Therefore, the scientific literature published on COVID-19 must be seen in the context of a highly dynamic and rapidly changing pandemic, making it difficult to compare results from early studies to more recent reports even within 2years. Still, a lot has been learned over a very short period. It has become apparent that severe COVID-19 is predominantly a disease of immune dysregulation with components that can be defined as CSS. It has unique features and overlapping characteristics with other CSSs, and immunological treatment addressing the CSS has been extensively explored, which will be described here.

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