
Covid-19 caused by Sars-nCoV-2 virus, typically presents with varied findings ranging from cough, breathlessness, cold to diarrhoea, loss of taste and smell. Transmission of the virus takes place mainly through direct contact or droplet spread. Though the nasopharynx and the oro pharynx is close to the oral cavity, only four reports of Covid-19 associated oral lesions have been reported. Two cases diagnosed with Covid-19 and presenting with oral findings are reported. One case presented with multiple ulcers on the buccal mucosa, soft and hard palate, there was also an Ulcer present bilaterally on the angle of the mouth which was superimposed with yellowish grey pseudo-membrane. The other case presented with vesicles and erosions on the upper lip. The first case was treated with topical analgesics and antifungals, while the second was treated with topical antiviral. A probable etiology, differential diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment plan is also discussed.

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