
A 49-years old woman patient presented with acute central loss of vision, with the diagnosis of cilioretinal artery occlusion was hospitalized. She had a history of close contact with a coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) patient and her polymerase chain reaction test was positive. Topical and systemic treatments were used to reduce intraocular pressure. In addition, anticoagulant treatment was applied. After excluding other prothromboembolic etiological factors, the patient was diagnosed with cilioretinal occlusion with associated COVID19. Thromboembolic complications associated with COVID-19 have a high incidence and may affect the retinal vascular structure. We described a case of cilioretinal artery occlusion associated with COVID19 infection. We might suggest a pharmatherapeutical prophylaxis for COVID-19 associated ocular vascular thromboembolic complications not only in symptomatic patients but also in asymptomatic patients. We hope that this case report will contribute to a different perspective on thrombophilia and related conditions in COVID-19.

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