
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals still have to meet external regulations while delivering compassionate patient care. This reflections article provides a solution for certified stroke programs to continue to meet stroke certification requirements. One area of focus, in this article, is stroke education. Because of "shelter-in-place orders," there were no visitors permitted at the bedside, yet we know that high-quality poststroke education is important to improve outcomes. The purpose of this reflections article is to share what has worked at my institution. We found that calling family members to engage them in stroke education was a great option. They seemed engaged, took notes, and asked questions. Nurses document details from these phone encounters in the patient's medical record. Many people placed the call on speaker so other family members could listen to the education session. While family members were at home, telehealth nursing has its own set of challenges. Although telehealth is not a perfect solution, it was one we found most reasonable and found it to work well through this unprecedented time. These strategies are being shared to promote dissemination of innovative nursing interventions that will help to continue providing loved ones with the information and education they deserve to receive even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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