
Coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in China in December 2019 and it rapidly widespread around the world. As of May, 2020, there had been 3.618.325 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 253.381deaths and 1.184.145 recovered persons reported globally. In this review we present the evolution of the infection in Costa Rica and analyze preventive measurements taken to contain a potential explosive dissemination of COVID-19 infection. In Costa Rica, the accumulated incidence per 100.000 habitants of COVID-19 was 14.5 and the death rate 0.81 per 100.000 habitants. By May 3, the number of recovered patients were identical to those with active disease. So far, the health care system has not collapsed as most of the COVID-19 patients have being managed at home. However, the battle is not over yet. Due to the fact that re-opening of the country gradually will take and the number of new cases of undocumented immigrants, children and youngsters is steadily increased, unfavorable consequences in the following weeks might be anticipated. The Costa Rican health authorities are vigilant and diligently managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

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