
Background: The news media play a critical role in disseminating accurate and reliable information during an outbreak like COVID-19, especially in LMICs. Studying how people react and reflect on the information provided and how it affects their trust in the health systems, are important for designing effective risk communication. This study was undertaken to explore and analyse newspaper readers’ reactions to the unfolding news of the COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh and how this affected and shaped their compliance with the mitigation measures advised by the government.Methods: We collected readers’ comments on relevant news and features on the COVID-19 outbreak (n=1,055) which were posted in the online versions of the four top circulating Bangla newspapers and one online news portal published during Jan.-Apr. 2020. A search protocol was developed and a team of three researchers searched and extracted data for content analysis according to some pre-determined study themes.Results: Analysis of data revealed several characteristics with implications for risk-communication: a faith-based and fatalistic attitude to the unfolding pandemic, a “denial” syndrome in the initial stage, a returning expatriate-bashing for specific countries, and a concern about the safety of the frontline health workers. The readers were resentful of the all-pervasive corruption in the health sector even in times of a pandemic and the Government’s poorly coordinated, fragmented, and delayed COVID-19 response. The pandemic severely shook their trust in the already weak health system and perceived it to be incompetent, corrupt, and non-responsive. They had deplorable personal and family experiences while seeking treatment for COVID-19 patients. Expert committees were formed to advise the government, but few recommendations were implemented on the ground. This helpless scenario made people sharply critical of the political leadership, especially for the failure of providing stewardship at the moment of crisis.Conclusions: The COVID-19 related information () reaching the people including misinformation, disinformation, and rumours was equivocal in the early months of the pandemic and failed to build the trust and transparency that is necessary for an inclusive response across constituencies. The government should pay attention and weightage to people’s perceptions about its COVID-19 response and take appropriate measures to re-build trust for implementing pandemic control measures.Funding Information: The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.Declaration of Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interest.Ethics Approval Statement: The very nature of the data (readers’ reactions and comments) did not allow us to get individual consent for participation. Also, the reactions/comments were posted by name only without an address, thus further follow-up being impossible. However, the study followed ethical principles in conducting the study and the confidentiality of the data was strictly maintained by the study team and the readers’ reactions /comments were used anonymously for research purposes only.

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