
The COVID-19 pandemic gave an opportunity to adopt many appropriate changes in the behavior of the people in India. The major gears of those behavior changes were the enforcement by the government, fear, motivation (self and induced), and self-experiences or realizations with time. If those changes are fitted in the Trans-Theoretical Model, Indian people have passed through the “Pre-Contemplation” to “Action” stage of behavior changes during different phases of this pandemic. Frequent hand hygiene, maintaining physical distancing, use of face mask, cough etiquettes, avoid greetings through physical contacts, fear in spitting and urination at public places, refrain from gatherings and avoiding outside food are some of the examples of those appropriate behaviors which were enforced or learnt during the COVID pandemic. The continuous lockdown made people understand the difference between “want” and “need,” the importance of local production, and the significance of social media and technology in routine life. The work-from-home strategy gave a chance to appreciate the work--life balance in a more applied way. The first-ever lifetime experience of unbelievable rejuvenating nature because of lack of human play taught people to appreciate nature. Although the current focus is on responding to the pandemic and on coping with its immediate effects, yet this is the time when there is an urgent need to create an enabling environment to support and sustain these COVID-19 appropriate behaviors (maintenance stage) to reap the maximum benefits out of them. Sustaining these appropriate behaviors is also important considering the bimodal distribution of the COVID-19 and possibility of advent of the second wave of COVID-19 in near future.

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