
All of us know that COVID-19 outbreak has brought the world in a standstill. Nobody had imagined such a Pandemic threatening the whole world. Even the most powerful countries are helpless in such a critical situation. This Pandemic has badly affected every group and section of society. We are in a limbo, trying to decide what to do next, how to move ahead. Man is shocked socially, psychologically, economically and so on. This crisis has left everyone in the lurch. Students are uncertain about their future. Youth are afraid of Unemployment. Education system is affected greatly due to sudden closure of institutions. Initially neither teachers nor students were mentally prepared to face such a lockdown situation. Everyone was confused at continuity of teaching-learning process. But necessity is the mother of invention. We chose on-line method of teaching / through social media to continue teaching –learning process. However, the on-line education was already present but it was not in vogue before this COVID-19 lockdown. Every teacher was not techno-savvy, he was techno-shy but situations have forced us to adopt on-line system. It is said that every tragedy brings some opportunities also. One must learn lesson in the present scenario and mentally prepared for future also. This Pandemic has developed culture of on-line education, work from home. But use of technology has both silver and dark sides. Technology has occurred as a fillip to continue our learning process, we are moving towards information-rich society, on the contrary we have become slave of technology and affecting our health also.

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