
Abstract: After the eruption of Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, every country had to fight this virus with whatever measures they could take as a prompt response. Due to resource constraints, the third world governments could not provide sufficient opportunities for their people. Bangladesh despite having many limitations has taken some effective measures in tackling this virus including stimulus packages, free testing, free treatment and free vaccination. Besides, there are measures which were taken on a limited scale in the immediate phase of the epidemic in 2020. The measures which were taken by the government were not properly communicated to the public properly. This lacuna of communication has allowed disinformation to spread widely. This study has attempted to understand how people perceived the government measures and to what extent they were satisfied with the initial measures (March and April 2020). Conforming to the consideration of the pandemic as a war, this research contends that the actions taken by the various agencies of the state could have been taken beforehand. In addition, much robust processes were necessary to prevent this pandemic at the very early stages. This paper understands that if the government could ensure improved inter-organisation coordination; the curve of infection could have been lower with proper preventative measures such as lockdown, social distancing and aftercare treatment. The amount of time Bangladesh got before the pandemic hit in Bangladesh could have been utilised to strengthen the existing hospitals and health care facilities which subsequently could help the government to fight the pandemic in a more holistic way. Finally this study presents a list of policy recommendations so that Bangladesh can counter any further pandemic with a proper policy plan.

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