
We study three covering problems in the plane. Our original motivation for these problems comes from trajectory analysis. The first is to decide whether a given set of line segments can be covered by up to k=4 unit-sized, axis-parallel squares. We give linear time algorithms for k≤3 and an O(nlog⁡n) time algorithm for k=4.The second is to build a data structure on a trajectory to efficiently answer whether any query subtrajectory is coverable by up to three unit-sized axis-parallel squares. For k=2 and k=3 we construct data structures of size O(nα(n)log⁡n) in O(nα(n)log⁡n) time, so that we can test if an arbitrary subtrajectory can be k-covered in O(log⁡n) time.The third problem is to compute a longest subtrajectory of a given trajectory that can be covered by up to two unit-sized axis-parallel squares. We give O(n2α(n)log2⁡n) time algorithms for k≤2.

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