
Nano-periodic arrays of atomic oxygen are visualized on epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001) via STM following supersonic beam exposure to non-equilibrium fluxes of atomic oxygen. Self-organization of atomic oxygen on graphene is directed by the intrinsic moiré pattern of the ruthenium-graphene interface. Atom-resolved STM imaging reveals the richness of multiparticle interactions, leading to correlated atomic diffusion and placement. Pair-distribution functions demonstrate that repulsive oxygen-oxygen interactions play an increasingly important role in the site specificity and diffusivity of atomic oxygen on the moiré lattice with increasing coverage. Atomic visualization shows the number of oxygen atoms in a local region changes overall diffusion rates and promotes the correlated motion of oxygen atoms. Understanding the site specificity of oxygen adsorption and diffusive behavior of atomic oxygen on epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001) provides insight for both the synthesis and stability of moiré-templated two-dimensional materials which show promise as platforms for next-generation quantum materials and catalysts.

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