
Cover: This oblique view of the lunar crater Pierazzo (3.3°N, 100.2°W, D≈9km) was taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera’s Narrow Angle Camera in late 2017. The camera was pointed off‐nadir to provide this oblique view which, coupled with the moon’s curvature, provides an observation angle of 74°.This young crater features many large deposits of impact melt, typically dark material that is seen strewn throughout the image not only outside the crater (and is found over 40 km from the impact site), but in numerous deposits inside the crater. An extensive analysis of the impact melt was recently published by Veronica Bray et al. (2018, Icarus 201, p. 26–36). Small, bright splotches litter the ejecta and are mostly new craters that post‐date the larger Pierazzo impact, though some might be caused by ejected blocks from the crater hitting its own ejecta. The crater is named in honor of Elisabetta (“Betty“) Pierazzo (1963–2011), who studied impact craters, including the production of impact melt material.We selected this image for the cover of this special issue because we think that it presents a good overview of this issue: rather than emphasizing any one study or type of paper in this special issue, it, at a simple glance, shows the force of an impact, the intriguing complexity inherent to their structure, and that even relatively young features are prone to modifi cation by the ongoing process of impact cratering.Credit: NASA/GSFC/ASU

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