
On the Cover: Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Journal of Biogeography, the cover is comprised of five circles representing the journal’s five decades and papers in the current issue. Centre: Phyteuma hemisphericum from the Sierra de Villabandín, Cantabrian Mountains, Spain; photograph by Borja Jiménez-Alfaro; pp. 743–754. Top right: Chondrus crispus Stackhouse (commonly known as Irish moss) is a middle intertidal to subtidal red algae that inhabits European and American Atlantic rocky shores, including the Vigo estuary, Galicia (Spain); photograph by Sandra Hernández; pp. 780–791. Top left: Cauliflower corals (Pocillopora spp.) encounter multiple environmental conditions across the Indo-Pacific and have diverse microbial communities (including bacteria, photosymbiotic dinoflagellates, viruses) that are implicated in health and bleaching outcomes under climate change; illustration by Victoria Marie Glynn; pp. 669–684. Bottom left: A stream in the Tibet Plateau, the world’s third pole; photograph by Gong Zheng; pp. 792–804. Bottom right: The cover of the first issue (March 1974) and initial 14 volumes of the Journal of Biogeography were graced by this circular logo; the golden text celebrates the journal’s 50th year.

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