
The tree graph contributions to the vacuum expectation value of the quantized gravitational field produced by a point mass source are found to diverge. These divergences can be removed only by giving the source a finite extension, and it is first necessary to analyze the corresponding classical situation before making a comparison with the quantum theory. In this paper, the model for such an extended particle is taken to be a spherical shell of initially static pressure-free dust. Without solving the Einstein equations explicity, a coordinate-independent mass renormalization formula can be derived, valid at the moment of time symmetry, which relates the total mass of the system to the bare mass of the source and its invariant radius. The equations are then solved for various choices of coordinate systems, allowing the invariant radius of the shell to be expressed in terms of its coordinate dependent extension. The results are in agreement with those obtained previously by Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner. The work of these authors is generalized to include coordinate frames for which the metric is discontinuous across the shell. Aside from any intrinsic interest, such a generalization is necessary since the most convenient coordinate system for the quantum calculations, namely the covariant de Donder (harmonic) gauge, falls into this category. By expanding the total mass of the source in terms of its bare mass and harmonic coordinate extension, the classical Schwarzschild solution may be cast into a form which facilitates a direct comparison with the quantum theory in the de Donder gauge.

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