
This paper employs the post-Newtonian approximations of scalar-tensor theory of gravity along with the Cartesian STF tensors and the Blanchet-Damour multipole formalism to derive translational and rotational equations of motion of N extended bodies with arbitrary distribution of mass and velocity. We assume that spacetime can be covered by a global coordinate chart which is Minkowskian at infinity. We also introduce N local coordinate charts adapted to each body and covering a finite domain of space around the body. Gravitational field of each body is parametrized by an infinite set of the body's mass and spin multipoles and tidal multipoles of external N-1 bodies. The origin of the local coordinates is set moving along accelerated worldline of the center of mass of the body by an appropriate choice of the internal and external dipole moments of its gravitational field. Translational and rotational equations of motion are derived by integrating microscopic equations of matter and applying the method of asymptotic matching. The matching is also used for separating the post-Newtonian self-field effects from the external gravitational environment and for constructing the effective background spacetime manifold. It allows us to present the equations of translational and rotational motion of each body in covariant form by making use of the Einstein principle of equivalence. Our approach significantly generalizes the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon covariant equations of motion with regard to the number of body's multipoles and the post-Newtonian terms taken into account. The equations of translational and rotational motion derived in the present paper include the infinite set of mass and spin multipoles of the bodies and can be used for much more accurate prediction of orbital dynamics of extended bodies in inspiraling binary systems before they merge.

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