
We give a proof of Kontsevich's formality theorem for a general manifold using Fedosov resolutions of algebras of polydifferential operators and polyvector fields. The main advantage of our construction of the formality quasi-isomorphism is that it is based on the use of covariant tensors unlike Kontsevich's original proof, which is based on ∞-jets of polydifferential operators and polyvector fields. Using our construction we prove that if a group G acts smoothly on a manifold M and M admits a G -invariant affine connection then there exists a G -equivariant quasi-isomorphism of formality. This result implies that if a manifold M is equipped with a smooth action of a finite or compact group G or equipped with a free action of a Lie group G then M admits a G -equivariant formality quasi-isomorphism. In particular, this gives a solution of the deformation quantization problem for an arbitrary Poisson orbifold.

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