
Primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) is a key probe of the origins of primordial fluctuations in the early universe. It has been shown that multi-tracer measurements of large-scale structure can produce high-precision measurements of PNG. Future line intensity mapping surveys are well-suited to these measurements owing to their ability to rapidly survey large volumes and access the large scales at which PNG becomes important. In this paper, we explore for the first time how multi-tracer PNG measurements with intensity mapping surveys depend on the sub-galactic scale physics which drives line emission. We consider an example cross-correlation between CO maps, and quantify the impact varying the astrophysical model has on $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$ measurements. We find a non-trivial coupling between horizon-scale PNG measurements and the molecular cloud-scale interstellar medium that can have order unity effects on $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$ constraints with near-future experimental sensitivities. We discuss how these effects depend on noise level and survey design. We further find that the cross-correlation shot noise, an effect nearly unique to intensity mapping measurements, can play an important role in multi-tracer analyses and should not be neglected.

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