
In previous work we have observed the amplitude mode of the charge density wave (CDW) in K 2Pt(CN) 4Br 0.3⋯3.2H 2O (KCP) by means of Raman scattering. New measurements made on deuterated material, K 2Pt(CN) 4Br 0.3⋯3.2D 2O (KCP∗), show the same mode but shifted from 44 to 38 cm −1, maintaining the symmetry properties and temperature dependence of frequency and linewidth. This considerable isotope effect is interpreted in terms of a coupling of the CDW with the water stretching mode, which by the deuteration is shifted from 3494 cm −1 in KCP to 2560 cm −1 in KCP∗ according to the change in atomic mass. Both of these modes exhibit A 1(z) symmetry. At 5 K the resulting decoupled frequency of the CDW amplitude mode is 57 cm −1, and the coupling energy about 140 cm −1. A discussion of the temperature dependence of various important quantities is given. The present results show that the water molecules, which are located in between the Pt chains are strongly involved in the eigenvector of the CDW amplitude mode.

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