
Consider a separable Banach space $\mathcal{W} $ supporting a non-trivial Gaussian measure $\mu $. The following is an immediate consequence of the theory of Gaussian measure on Banach spaces: there exist (almost surely) successful couplings of two $\mathcal{W} $-valued Brownian motions $\mathbf{B} $ and $\widetilde{\mathbf {B}} $ begun at starting points $\mathbf{B} (0)$ and $\widetilde{\mathbf {B}} (0)$ if and only if the difference $\mathbf{B} (0)-\widetilde{\mathbf {B}} (0)$ of their initial positions belongs to the Cameron-Martin space $\mathcal{H} _\mu $ of $\mathcal{W} $ corresponding to $\mu $. For more general starting points, can there be a “coupling at time $\infty $”, such that almost surely $\|{\mathbf {B}(t)-\widetilde {\mathbf {B}}(t)}\|_{\mathcal{W} } \to 0$ as $t\to \infty $? Such couplings exist if there exists a Schauder basis of $\mathcal{W} $ which is also a $\mathcal{H} _\mu $-orthonormal basis of $\mathcal{H} _\mu $. We propose (and discuss some partial answers to) the question, to what extent can one express the probabilistic Banach space property “Brownian coupling at time $\infty $ is always possible” purely in terms of Banach space geometry?


  • When can there be an successful coupling of two Brownian motions B and B defined on a separable Banach space W? (When can B and B be made to coincide at and after some random time τ < ∞?) Is a weaker kind of success more widely available? The purpose of this paper is to explore this weaker kind of success, and to raise an interesting open question

  • This paper has shown that Brownian couplings at time ∞ are always possible if W supports a Schauder basis which is Hμ-orthogonal (Theorem 13), and in particular that they are always possible in the important special case when W is a Hilbert space (Lemma 15)

  • Given an abstract Wiener space W∗ ֒→ Hμ֒→W, is it always possible to produce a coupling at time ∞ for two W-valued Brownian motions started from arbitrary starting points in W? (Or if not, what Banach-space geometry property for W∗ ֒→ Hμ֒→W corresponds to the probabilistic property that Brownian coupling at time ∞ is always possible?)

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When can there be an (almost surely) successful coupling of two Brownian motions B and B defined on a separable Banach space W? (When can B and B be made to coincide at and after some random time τ < ∞?) Is a weaker kind of success more widely available? The purpose of this paper is to explore this weaker kind of success, and to raise an interesting open question. When can there be an (almost surely) successful coupling of two Brownian motions B and B defined on a separable Banach space W? Given a Gaussian measure μ, there is a standard construction of a Hilbert space Hμ densely embedded in W, such that translations of μ by elements of Hμ are exactly those that induce translated measures which are absolutely continuous with respect to μ This theory, together with the well-known Aldous inequality (Aldous, 1983, Lemma 3.6), immediately yields the following. Consider a W-valued Brownian motion B started at 0 and an element x ∈ W Another Brownian motion B can be constructed to start at x and almost surely meet B within finite time if and only if the relative initial displacement x lies in Hμ, for μ = L (B(1)).

Gaussian measures and Banach-valued Brownian motion
The Cameron-Martin space
Brownian motion on a Banach space
Decomposition of Brownian motions
Coupling of Brownian motion within finite time
Cameron-Martin Reflections in Banach spaces
Coupling in finite time holds exactly if initial displacement is in Hμ
Schauder basis
An open question
Further work
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