
ABSTRACT A multi-disciplinary approach to estimate discharge is proposed that is ideal for field conditions and also addresses the shortcomings of rating curve method. First, the discharge is defined as a function of a section’s hydraulic characteristics, and it is assumed that an approximate convective-diffusive wave governs the flood wave that passes through the section under an unsteady flow situation. Only the stage data are needed by the generated model to predict discharge. Second, an IoT (Internet of Things)-based gauging station was established to collect stage data. The near-real-time stage data is captured using an algorithm designed to minimize the sampling error. Therefore, the multidisciplinary solution has addressed important issues for researchers and field engineers. Additionally, it may be used to estimate discharge in near-real-time at the chosen temporal frequency. The suitability and accuracy of the model were tested at a USGS (United States Geological Survey) gauging station considering three flooding events. The applicability evaluated using six evaluation criteria indicated an accuracy of 98.075% on average. Finally, it was employed over an un-gauged river site at Om-Chhu to estimate discharge in near-near-real-time at a temporal frequency of 5-min intervals.

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