
Coupled-cluster theory with connected single and double excitation operators (CCSD) and related approximations, such as linearized CCSD, quadratic configuration interaction with single and double excitation operators, coupled-cluster with connected double excitation operator (CCD), linearized CCD, approximate CCD, and second- and third-order many-body perturbation theories, are formulated and implemented for infinitely extended one-dimensional systems (polymers), on the basis of the periodic boundary conditions and distance-based screening of integrals, density matrix elements, and excitation amplitudes. The variation of correlation energies with the truncation radii of short- and long-range lattice sums and with the number of wave vector sampling points in the first Brillouin zone is examined for polyethylene, polyacetylene, and polyyne, and is shown to be a function of the degree of pi-electron conjugation or the fundamental band gaps. The t2 and t1 amplitudes in the atomic orbital (AO) basis are obtained by first computing the t amplitudes in the Bloch-orbital basis and subsequently back-transforming them into the AO basis. The plot of these AO-based t amplitudes as a function of unit cells also indicates that the t2 amplitudes of polyacetylene and polyyne exhibit appreciably slower decay than those of polyethylene, although the asymptotic decay behavior is invariably 1/r3. The AO-based t1 amplitudes appear to correlate strongly with the electronic structure, and they decay seemingly exponentially for polyethylene whereas they stay at a constant magnitude across the seventh nearest neighbors of polyacetylene and polyyne, which attests to far reaching effects of nondynamical electron correlation mediated by orbital rotation. Nonetheless, the unit cell contributions to the correlation energies taper below 10(-6) hartree after 15 A for all three polymers. The basis set dependence of the decay behavior of t2 amplitudes is also examined for linear hydrogen fluoride polymer (HF)infinity and linear beryllium polymer (Be)infinity employing the STO-3G, 6-31G, and 6-31G* basis sets, and proves to be rather small.

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