
Abstract Photoevaporative mass loss sculpts the atmospheric evolution of tightly orbiting sub-Neptune-mass exoplanets. To date, models of the mass loss from warm Neptunes have assumed that the atmospheric abundances remain constant throughout the planet’s evolution. However, the cumulative effects of billions of years of escape modulated by diffusive separation and preferential loss of hydrogen can lead to planetary envelopes that are enhanced in helium and metals relative to hydrogen. We have performed the first self-consistent calculations of the coupled thermal, mass-loss, and compositional evolution of hydrogen–helium envelopes surrounding sub-Neptune-mass planets. We extended the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics stellar evolution code to model the evolving envelope abundances of photoevaporating planets. We demonstrate that H–He fractionation can lead to planetary envelopes that are significantly enriched in helium and metals compared to their initial primordial compositions. A subset of our model planets—having R p ≲ 3.00 R ⊕, initial f env < 0.5%, and irradiation flux ∼101–103 times that of Earth—obtain final helium mass fractions in excess of Y = 0.40 after several billion years of mass loss. GJ 436b, the planet that originally inspired Hu et al. to propose the formation of helium-enhanced planetary atmospheres, requires a primordial envelope that is too massive to become helium enhanced. Planets with envelope helium fractions of Y = 0.40 have radii that are between 0.5% and 10% smaller (depending on their mass, irradiation flux, and envelope mass fraction) than similar planets with solar composition (Y = 0.24) envelopes. The results of preferential loss of hydrogen may have observable consequences for the M p − R p relations and atmospheric spectra of sub-Neptune populations.

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