
The mutual influence between information and infectious diseases during the spreading process is becoming increasingly prominent. To elucidate the impact of factors such as higher-order interactions, interpersonal distances, and asymptomatic carriers on the coupled propagation of information and infectious diseases, a novel coupled spreading model is constructed based on a two-layer complex network, where one layer is a higher-order network and another layer is a weighted network. The higher-order interactions in information propagation are characterized using a 2-simplex, and a sUARU (simplicial unaware-aware-removed-unaware) model is employed to articulate information propagation. The inter-individual social distances in disease propagation are represented by the weights of a weighted network, and an SEIS (susceptible-exposed-infected-susceptible) model is utilized to describe disease propagation. The dynamic equations of coupled spreading are formulated utilizing the microscopic Markov chain approach. An analytical expression for the epidemic threshold is obtained by deriving it from the steady-state form of the dynamic equations. Comprehensive simulations are conducted to scrutinize the dynamic characteristics of the coupled spreading model. The findings indicate that enhancing the effects of higher-order interactions in information propagation and increasing inter-individual social distances both lead to higher outbreak thresholds and greater spreading of diseases. Additionally, a stronger infectivity among asymptomatic carriers and an extended incubation period are favorable for the outbreak and spread of an epidemic. These findings can provide meaningful guidance for the prevention and control of real-world epidemics.

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