
Abstract Even though very unlikely to occur, severe accident scenarios in nuclear power plants have to be analyzed. During high-pressure core meltdown scenarios in a pressurized water reactor the primary circuit should fail first. Previous analyses found that a free convection flow within the vertical steam generator (SG) tubes with a simultaneous stratified gas counterflow in the hot legs could arise. This phenomenon leads to higher thermal loads on individual SG tubes which might then fail leading to a containment bypass and the release of radioactive material into the environment. Lumped parameter system codes used for safety analyses do not provide the models necessary to simulate phenomena like mixing in three-dimensional flows and could not consider local turbulence effects. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) codes provide such capabilities but are much more computationally expensive. Coupling of a system code with a CFD code can therefore be used to simulate such phenomena. The advantages of both approaches can be maximized by splitting up the simulation domain between the codes, depending on the expected flow conditions. The system code AC2 coupled with the CFD code OpenFOAM was used to simulate part of the severe accident transient. Free convection in the hot leg and the U-tubes of the vertical SG was observed in case of high-pressure severe accident sequences. The thermal load of individual SG tubes has been estimated from the results. These loads can be used as inputs for structural-mechanical analyses to estimate which part of the primary circuit would fail first.

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